Pinuk Balsam pentru Păr Normal cu Extract de Rozmarin 700ml (Israeli playlist edition) — Produs în Israel

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Livrare: Internațională

Acest balsam Pinuk pentru părul normal este îmbogățit cu extract de rozmarin, conceput pentru a hrăni și proteja părul, lăsându-l moale și ușor de gestionat după fiecare spălare. Ediția specială israeliană include o funcție interactivă: scanează codul QR de pe ambalaj pentru a accesa o listă de redare personalizată pentru experiența ta de duș. Fiecare sticlă are un design unic inspirat de diferite genuri muzicale.

Greutate netă: 700ml — Produs în Israel

Cum să folosești Balsamul Pinuk

Aplică pe părul umed după șamponare, concentrându-te pe vârfuri. Lasă să acționeze timp de 2-3 minute, apoi clătește bine. Potrivit pentru utilizarea zilnică. Evită contactul cu ochii. În caz de contact, clătește imediat cu apă. A nu se lăsa la îndemâna copiilor.

Ingrediente (Principale Componente Naturale)

  • Extract de Rozmarin (Rosmarinus Officinalis)
  • Acid Citric
  • Alcool Cetearyl
  • Glicerină
  • Sorbat de Potasiu
  • Acid Lactic
Greutate totală 765 g
Dimensiuni 9 × 24 cm


5 Lifehacks
  1. How to Feel Like You’re in an Israeli Beach Café?

    Scan the QR code and imagine yourself at an Israeli beach café as you listen to a mix of chill tunes while applying the conditioner. The rosemary scent combined with relaxing Israeli melodies will make you feel like you’re on a Mediterranean vacation.

  2. How to Set the Mood for a Relaxing Evening with Soft Israeli Ballads?

    After a long day, unwind with soft Israeli ballads. Scan the QR code for a playlist designed to calm your mind as the conditioner works its magic on your hair. Perfect for creating a peaceful end to your day.

  3. How to Add Fun to Your Shower Routine with Israeli Dance Hits?

    Want to make your shower routine more fun? Scan the QR code for a playlist filled with Israeli dance hits that will have you moving while you wait for the conditioner to work. It’s a great way to add a little joy and energy to your day.

  4. How to Protect Your Hair from Split Ends?

    For those who struggle with split ends, this conditioner works wonders. Focus the application on your ends to prevent dryness and breakage, keeping your hair healthy and reducing the need for frequent trims.

  5. How to Keep Hair Soft and Manageable Without Weighing It Down?

    If you want soft, smooth hair without the heaviness of traditional conditioners, this formula with rosemary extract is perfect. It nourishes and protects your hair while maintaining its natural bounce and lightness, giving you that perfect balance of moisture and manageability.

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