Mască de Păr cu Rodie pentru Păr Uscat și Vopsit 250ml / 8.4 Fl.OZ — Produs în Israel

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Livrare: Internațională

Această mască de păr este îmbogățită cu extract de rodie, minerale din Marea Moartă, unt de shea și un complex de uleiuri pentru a hrăni și revitaliza părul uscat și vopsit. Ajută la restabilirea moliciunii și strălucirii, făcând părul mai ușor de gestionat și reducând ruperea acestuia. Vitaminele B5 și E, împreună cu proprietățile antioxidante ale rodiei, oferă o hrănire profundă și protejează împotriva daunelor cauzate de tratamentele chimice, căldură și factorii de mediu.

Greutate netă: 250ml / 8.4 Fl.OZ — Produs în Israel

Cum se folosește Mască de Păr cu Rodie

După șamponare, stoarceți excesul de apă din păr și aplicați o cantitate generoasă de mască, pornind de la rădăcini până la vârfuri. Masează delicat, lăsați să acționeze timp de 2-3 minute, apoi clătiți bine cu apă caldă.

Ingrediente (Componente Naturale Cheie)

  • Extract de Rodie
  • Unt de Shea
  • Ulei de Măsline
  • Ulei de Semințe de Jojoba
  • Ulei de Semințe de Struguri
  • Suc din Frunze de Aloe Vera
  • Minerale din Marea Moartă
  • Pro-Vitamina B5
  • Vitamina E
Greutate totală 300 g
Dimensiuni 11 × 8.5 cm

HB Dead Sea Minerals

8 Lifehacks
  1. How to Bring Life Back to Color-Treated Hair?

    If your colored hair feels dull and lifeless, this mask with pomegranate extract will help restore its vibrancy. The antioxidant-rich formula protects against damage caused by coloring, while Dead Sea minerals and oils work to nourish and revitalize your hair.

  2. How to Prevent Hair Breakage and Keep it Soft?

    For hair that’s prone to breakage, use this mask regularly. Apply generously from roots to ends, focusing on the areas where breakage occurs most. The Shea Butter and vitamins B5 and E will strengthen your hair, making it more resilient and less prone to breakage.

  3. How to Add Shine and Smoothness to Dry Hair?

    If your hair feels dry and lacks shine, the combination of pomegranate extract, Jojoba, and Grape Seed oils in this mask will hydrate your hair, leaving it soft and glossy. Use it once or twice a week to keep your hair smooth and manageable.

  4. How to Revitalize Hair After Heat Styling?

    If you frequently use heat tools like straighteners or curling irons, your hair may become damaged over time. This mask is perfect for post-heat treatment care. It repairs damage caused by heat and restores the hair’s natural moisture, leaving it feeling silky and smooth.

  5. How to Protect Hair from Environmental Damage?

    Pollution and UV rays can weaken and dull your hair. The antioxidant properties of pomegranate extract help shield your hair from environmental damage, while the Dead Sea minerals and oils nourish and protect each strand.

  6. How to Maintain Vibrant Hair Color for Longer?

    If your color fades too quickly, use this hair mask to lock in the vibrancy. The rich oils and pomegranate extract help seal the color into the hair, keeping it looking fresh and bright for longer, even between salon visits.

  7. How to Detangle and Hydrate at the Same Time?

    For hair that tangles easily, this mask not only detangles but also deeply hydrates. The creamy texture allows you to gently work through knots while the oils and Shea Butter smooth and soften the hair, making it easier to manage.

  8. How to Give Your Hair a Luxurious Treatment at Home?

    Transform your shower into a mini spa by leaving the mask on for 10-15 minutes instead of the usual 2-3. The longer treatment gives your hair an extra boost of hydration and nourishment, leaving it incredibly soft and healthy-looking.

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