Cafea Instant Mocha Elite 200g / 7 oz — Fabricată în Israel
12.60 €
Disponibilitate: Doar 13 rămase în stoc
Vizualizat: 21202
Vândut: 2
Cafeaua instant Mocha Elite îți oferă o combinație delicioasă de aromă bogată de cafea și dulceață catifelată a mocha. Acest amestec clasic, realizat din boabe de cafea 100% premium, aduce gustul atât de iubit în Israel în fiecare ceașcă. Perfectă pentru o pauză rapidă de cafea sau pentru o experiență răcoritoare cu cafea rece.
Greutate netă: 200g / 7oz — Fabricată în Israel
- Rapid și ușor de preparat
- Aromă bogată de cafea cu o notă de mocha
- Un gust și o aromă cunoscute de fiecare israelian
- Realizată din boabe de cafea premium
- Fără gluten, potrivită pentru diverse diete
- Certificat Kosher Parve sub supravegherea Rabinatului din Safed
- 100% cafea instant
- Aromă de mocha
Cum se Utilizează Cafeaua Instant Mocha Elite
Adaugă o linguriță de cafea într-o ceașcă de apă fierbinte sau rece pentru a face cafea rece. Amestecă bine și bucură-te.
Instrucțiuni de Depozitare
Păstrați recipientul bine închis. Depozitați într-un loc răcoros și uscat, departe de lumina directă a soarelui.
Greutate totală | 300 g |
Dimensiuni | 9 × 19 cm |
Brand | Elite |
Mocha Iced Latte
For a refreshing twist, mix one or two teaspoons of Instant Coffee Mocha Elite with cold water, add ice, and top with your favorite milk or plant-based alternative. The hint of mocha makes it a perfect treat for a hot day.
Mocha Overnight Oats
Add a teaspoon of Instant Coffee Mocha Elite to your overnight oats mixture. Combine oats, milk, a bit of honey, and the coffee in a jar and let it sit overnight. In the morning, you’ll have a delicious mocha-flavored breakfast that’s quick and energizing.
Baking with Mocha
Incorporate Instant Coffee Mocha Elite into your favorite baking recipes. It works wonderfully in brownies or chocolate cakes to give them a rich coffee and mocha twist. The added depth of flavor will make your baked goods extra special.
Coffee Milkshake Delight
Blend Instant Coffee Mocha Elite with cold milk, a scoop of vanilla ice cream, and some ice cubes for a delicious coffee milkshake. The mocha flavor adds a sweet and rich depth, making it perfect for a summer dessert drink.
Mocha-Flavored Yogurt Snack
Stir a teaspoon of Instant Coffee Mocha Elite into plain Greek yogurt along with a touch of honey or sugar. This makes a quick, tasty snack that combines the rich coffee taste with a sweet mocha hint, perfect for an afternoon energy boost.
Mocha-Infused Porridge
Add Instant Coffee Mocha Elite to your morning porridge for a unique breakfast twist. Prepare your porridge as usual and stir in a teaspoon of coffee to add a subtle mocha taste, transforming an ordinary breakfast into something indulgent.
Mocha Affogato
For a quick and elegant dessert, dissolve a teaspoon of Instant Coffee Mocha Elite in hot water and pour it over a scoop of vanilla ice cream. The hot coffee and cold ice cream create a delightful contrast that’s perfect for a sweet treat.
Mocha Cocktail
Add Instant Coffee Mocha Elite to a classic cocktail for a unique twist. Mix it into an espresso martini, or add to coffee liqueur and vodka with a splash of cream for a creamy mocha cocktail that’s perfect for after-dinner drinks.
Mocha Dalgona Coffee
Whip Instant Coffee Mocha Elite with sugar and hot water until it forms a frothy texture. Spoon the whipped mixture over a glass of cold milk to create a delicious mocha-flavored Dalgona coffee—perfect for a trendy, Instagram-worthy treat.
Mocha Overnight Cold Brew
For a smooth and mellow flavor, dissolve Instant Coffee Mocha Elite in cold water and leave it in the fridge overnight. In the morning, you’ll have a rich cold brew with a hint of mocha ready to be served over ice.