Tempero para Frango Grelhado, 250 gramas (8.82 oz) — Produzido em Israel

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Melhore o seu prato com o nosso tempero para frango grelhado.

Peso líquido: 250 gramas (8.82 oz). Produzido em Israel.

Informações da embalagem:

Ingredientes: Páprica doce, pimenta chili, alho, sal, cebola.

Uso: Este tempero versátil, uma combinação de especias, especiarias e temperos, é perfeito para frango grelhado, assado e frito, asas de frango, batatas assadas no forno, além de omeletes e outros pratos. Melhora o sabor de qualquer prato de carne ou vegetais, adicionando um toque picante único.

História e Tradição: O tempero da “Pereg” transporta você para a atmosfera do antigo mercado de especiarias de Lod, onde as especiarias aromáticas criavam um ambiente único e despertavam o desejo de cozinhar. Esta receita, transmitida de geração em geração, continua a inspirar criatividade culinária.

Origem: Produzido em Israel de acordo com os rigorosos padrões kosher pela Tavliney Pereg, Bat Yam.

Certificação Kosher: Certificado pelo Badatz (Rabbi Mahpud e Rabbi Rubin) e sob a supervisão do Rabinato de Bat Yam. Kosher para o Pessach, não contém kitniyot. Adequado para veganos.


  • Sem conservantes
  • Sem corantes artificiais
  • Sem glutamato monossódico
  • Adequado para veganos

Prazo de Validade: 2 anos. Atualizamos regularmente nosso estoque para lhe fornecer o produto mais fresco possível.

Condições de Armazenamento: Armazenar em local fresco, seco e protegido da luz solar.

Peso total 360 g
Dimensões 7 × 17.5 cm

Tavliney Pereg

13 Lifehacks
  1. What if chicken seasoning is your new universal ingredient?
    1. Elevate Your Baking: Add a pinch of this versatile seasoning to the dough for homemade crackers or bread. Watch as your baked goods transform with a unique flavor that pairs perfectly with cheese or butter. 🍞🧀
    2. Grill with Flavor: Mix the seasoning with olive oil to create a delightful marinade for grilled vegetables. Zucchini, eggplant, and peppers will take on a distinctive aroma and spiciness, turning a simple dish into something extraordinary. 🍆🌶️
  2. How to give your vegetables the true taste of Jerusalem?

    Before grilling vegetables, sprinkle them with a bit of spice. The vegetables will get a crispy crust and a deep aroma, reminiscent of the scents that filled the air in Jerusalem’s markets.

  3. How to make your chicken truly Middle Eastern?

    When roasting chicken wings, use the spice blend to give your dish a subtle, spicy flavor with hints of garlic and paprika. This combination will fill your meal with the ambiance of an eastern bazaar.

  4. Want to create an unforgettable Middle Eastern snack?

    Add a pinch of spice to hummus before serving. The aromatic mix will give this familiar dish a new layer of flavor, transporting you to the streets of ancient Jerusalem.

  5. How to surprise your guests with the bright taste of baked fish?

    Season your fish with a pinch of the spice mix before baking. The combination of paprika and garlic adds a vibrant Middle Eastern flavor that pairs perfectly with fresh lemon and herbs.

  6. How to make a Middle Eastern omelet?

    Add a pinch of spice to your omelet with onions and tomatoes. The taste of paprika and garlic will transform this simple breakfast into a culinary journey to the East.

  7. How to make potatoes special?

    Season your potatoes before baking with the spice mix. The spices will add a warm, subtle spiciness and rich Eastern notes, making them a perfect side for any main dish.

  8. Want to try Middle Eastern shawarma?

    Marinate chicken fillet in the spice mix and fry it in a pan. Add fresh vegetables and wrap it in pita. The taste will transport you to the busy streets of Jerusalem, where shawarma is an art.

  9. How to give your fried vegetables a unique taste?

    Lightly fry vegetables with the spice blend. The garlic and paprika will create a spiced taste that brings to mind traditional Middle Eastern dishes.

  10. How to cook wings with a Middle Eastern twist?

    Use the spice mix for grilled chicken when frying wings. The spicy flavor and light aroma of paprika will make them the star of any gathering, adding Middle Eastern vibes.

  11. How to make festive baked chicken?

    Season your chicken with the spice mix before baking for a bold, rich flavor. The combination of spices adds warmth and a touch of spice, turning your chicken into an Eastern masterpiece.

  12. How to revive a classic salad?

    Add a pinch of the spice mix to your salad dressing. The mix will give fresh vegetables a new flavor with a spicy hint, reminiscent of the tastes of an Eastern bazaar.

  13. How to make an unusual Middle Eastern snack?

    Use the spice blend to prepare traditional Middle Eastern flatbreads. The spice mix will give the dough a rich aroma and mild spiciness, turning each flatbread into a small masterpiece of Middle Eastern cuisine.

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