Tempero para Pratos de Peixe, 250 gramas (8.82 oz) — Produzido em Israel

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Melhore o seu prato com o nosso tempero para pratos de peixe.

Peso líquido: 250 gramas (8.82 oz). Produzido em Israel.

Informações da embalagem:

Ingredientes: Páprica, coentro, açafrão, cominho, sal, alho.

Uso: Esta combinação de especias, especiarias e temperos é perfeita para peixes assados e grelhados, bolinhos de peixe e pratos com batatas preparados em estilo indiano.

História e Tradição: O tempero da “Pereg” transporta você para a atmosfera do antigo mercado de especiarias de Lod, onde as especiarias aromáticas criavam um ambiente único e despertavam o desejo de cozinhar. Esta receita, transmitida de geração em geração, continua a inspirar criatividade culinária.

Origem: Produzido em Israel de acordo com os rigorosos padrões kosher pela Tavliney Pereg, Bat Yam.

Certificação Kosher: Certificado pelo Badatz (Rabbi Mahpud e Rabbi Rubin) e sob a supervisão do Rabinato de Bat Yam. Kosher Parve.


  • Sem conservantes
  • Sem corantes artificiais
  • Sem glutamato monossódico
  • Adequado para veganos

Prazo de Validade: 2 anos. Atualizamos regularmente nosso estoque para lhe fornecer o produto mais fresco possível.

Condições de Armazenamento: Armazenar em local fresco, seco e protegido da luz solar.

Peso total 335 g
Dimensões 7 × 17.5 cm

Tavliney Pereg

9 Lifehacks
  1. How to Stop Your Spices from Burning When Baking Fish in the Oven or on the Grill?
    1. Marinades: Give your fish a soak in a mix of oil, lemon juice, and your favorite spices before baking. The oil does double duty by helping the spices stick to the fish and keeping them from getting too hot, ensuring a tasty, well-seasoned meal. 🐟🍋
    2. Foil or Parchment: When baking fish in the oven, wrap it up in foil or parchment paper. This trick keeps the moisture in, stops the spices from burning, and ensures your fish cooks evenly with a rich, delicious flavor. 🍽️🔥
  2. How to make potato wedges even tastier?

    Try adding mixed spices for fish dishes to baked potato wedges. The combination of coriander, paprika, and garlic will give the potatoes a rich, spicy flavor, making the dish more fragrant and appetizing.

  3. How to give fried vegetables new layers of flavor?

    Use mixed spices for fish dishes in your stir-fried vegetables. The spices will add a bright aroma and spicy notes, making them the perfect side dish for any meal.

  4. How to enhance the flavor of mac and cheese?

    Add mixed spices for fish dishes to your classic mac and cheese. The combination of coriander and turmeric will give the cheese sauce a richer flavor and an interesting color, making this classic dish even tastier.

  5. How to improve the taste of fish curry?

    Use mixed spices for fish dishes when preparing fish curry. The combination of paprika and coriander in the spice blend will give the dish a rich aroma and vibrant color, making the curry spicier and more authentic.

  6. How to make seafood paella more flavorful?

    Add mixed spices for fish dishes to seafood paella. The turmeric and paprika in the blend will give the dish its traditional yellow color and depth of flavor, perfectly complementing the seafood.

  7. How to enhance the flavor of ceviche?

    Add mixed spices for fish dishes to the marinade when preparing ceviche. The coriander and paprika will give the fish a fresh, spicy taste, making the dish more flavorful and balanced.

  8. How to make fish and chips more flavorful?

    Sprinkle mixed spices for fish dishes on fish before frying for classic fish and chips. Garlic and coriander will enhance the taste of the fish and add spicy notes, making the dish more flavorful.

  9. How to make bouillabaisse more flavorful?

    Add mixed spices for fish dishes to the broth when preparing bouillabaisse. Spices like turmeric and garlic will enrich the soup and enhance the flavor of the fish and seafood.

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