Paprika Douce Rouge à l’Huile, 450 g (15,8 oz) — Produit d’Israël
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Vu : 17947
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Découvrez la saveur riche et vibrante de la Paprika Douce Rouge à l’Huile de Biton Meir Spices. Que vous cuisiniez des recettes traditionnelles ou que vous ajoutiez une touche moderne à votre cuisine, cette paprika apportera chaleur et profondeur à vos plats.
Information de l’emballage
Ingrédients : Paprika douce rouge, huile de soja.
Informations Nutritionnelles (par 100g) :
- Énergie (calories) : 453
- Lipides totaux (g) : 23
- Graisses saturées (g) : 3,95
- Graisses trans (g) : moins de 0,5
- Glucides totaux (g) : 49,4
- Sodium (mg) : 31
- Protéines (g) : 12,2
Poids Net : 450 grammes (15,8 oz). Fabriqué en Israël.
Certification Casher : Supervisé par le Rabbin Chaim Yitzchak Eizis, le Rabbin Landa, et le Rabbin Tzvi Rosenblatt à Bnei Brak. La supervision ne comprend pas la Pâque. Supervisé par “Yoreh Deah” sous la direction du Rabbin Shlomo Mahfud. Sous la supervision du Rabbinat du Conseil Régional de Givat Gilboa. Parve.
Informations sur les allergènes : Contient de l’huile de soja. Peut contenir des traces de sésame, noix, arachides, moutarde, céleri et gluten.
- Sans conservateurs
- Sans colorants artificiels
Durée de conservation : 2 ans. Nous mettons régulièrement à jour notre stock pour garantir que vous receviez le produit le plus frais possible.
Recommandations de stockage : Conserver dans un endroit frais et sec.
Poids total | 510 g |
Dimensions | 10 × 15 cm |
Brand | Tavliney Biton Meir |
How to add a rich flavor and color to your soups?
Add sweet red paprika with oil to your soup, whether it’s tomato or vegetable. This spice will give the dish a rich red hue and deep flavor, making your soup more interesting and aromatic.
How to make your casseroles more appetizing?
Before baking, sprinkle dishes like potato casserole or lasagna with sweet red paprika with oil. This simple step will give the dish an attractive color and rich flavor that won’t go unnoticed.
How to add a kick to your sauces?
Try adding sweet red paprika with oil to your barbecue sauce or marinade. This spice will give the sauce a vibrant color and a spicy flavor that perfectly complements any grilled dish.
How to make your omelets richer?
Mix a bit of sweet red paprika with oil into the egg mixture before cooking. This will give your omelet a deep flavor and vibrant color, making breakfast more interesting.
How to enhance the flavor of your stews?
Add sweet red paprika with oil to your favorite stew. This spice will give the dish a warm color and rich flavor, highlighting the natural aroma of the ingredients.
How to make your grilled vegetables irresistible?
Before grilling, lightly sprinkle vegetables with sweet red paprika with oil. This seasoning will add an attractive color and a spicy flavor, making your vegetables the perfect choice for a summer barbecue.
How to add richness and color to your rice?
Before cooking, add a bit of sweet red paprika with oil to your rice. This will give the dish a warm golden-red hue and deep aroma, turning the rice into not just a side dish but a flavorful meal on its own.
How to enhance the flavor of stewed vegetables?
Add sweet red paprika with oil to your stewed vegetables. This spice will highlight the natural flavor of the vegetables and give them an appetizing color, making the dish brighter and more flavorful.
How to make meat rolls juicier?
Before baking or braising, coat the meat rolls with sweet red paprika with oil. This will add an attractive color and spicy flavor to the meat, keeping it juicy and making the dish particularly appetizing.