Páprica dulce con aceite, 450g (15.8 oz) — Producto de Israel
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Descubre el rico y vibrante sabor del Páprica dulce con aceite de Especias Biton Meir. Ya sea que estés cocinando recetas tradicionales o añadiendo un giro a la cocina moderna, esta páprica aportará calidez y profundidad a tus comidas.
Información del envase:
Ingredientes: Páprica dulce, aceite de soja.
Información nutricional (por 100g):
- Energía (calorías): 453
- Grasas totales (g): 23
- Grasas saturadas (g): 3.95
- Grasas trans (g): menos de 0.5
- Carbohidratos totales (g): 49.4
- Sodio (mg): 31
- Proteínas (g): 12.2
Peso neto: 450 gramos (15.8 oz). Hecho en Israel.
Certificación kosher: Supervisado por el Rabino Jaim Itzjak Eizis, el Rabino Landa y el Rabino Tzvi Rosenblatt en Bnei Brak. La supervisión no incluye la Pascua. Supervisado por “Yoreh Deah” bajo el Rabino Shlomo Mahfud. Bajo la supervisión del Rabinato del Consejo Regional de Givat Gilboa. Parve.
Información sobre alérgenos: Contiene aceite de soja. Puede contener trazas de sésamo, frutos secos, cacahuetes, mostaza, apio y gluten.
- Sin conservantes
- Sin colorantes artificiales
Vida útil: 2 años. Actualizamos regularmente nuestro stock para asegurarnos de que recibas el producto más fresco posible.
Condiciones de almacenamiento: Almacenar en un lugar fresco y seco.
Peso total | 510 g |
Dimensiones | 10 × 15 cm |
Brand | Tavliney Biton Meir |
How to add a rich flavor and color to your soups?
Add sweet red paprika with oil to your soup, whether it’s tomato or vegetable. This spice will give the dish a rich red hue and deep flavor, making your soup more interesting and aromatic.
How to make your casseroles more appetizing?
Before baking, sprinkle dishes like potato casserole or lasagna with sweet red paprika with oil. This simple step will give the dish an attractive color and rich flavor that won’t go unnoticed.
How to add a kick to your sauces?
Try adding sweet red paprika with oil to your barbecue sauce or marinade. This spice will give the sauce a vibrant color and a spicy flavor that perfectly complements any grilled dish.
How to make your omelets richer?
Mix a bit of sweet red paprika with oil into the egg mixture before cooking. This will give your omelet a deep flavor and vibrant color, making breakfast more interesting.
How to enhance the flavor of your stews?
Add sweet red paprika with oil to your favorite stew. This spice will give the dish a warm color and rich flavor, highlighting the natural aroma of the ingredients.
How to make your grilled vegetables irresistible?
Before grilling, lightly sprinkle vegetables with sweet red paprika with oil. This seasoning will add an attractive color and a spicy flavor, making your vegetables the perfect choice for a summer barbecue.
How to add richness and color to your rice?
Before cooking, add a bit of sweet red paprika with oil to your rice. This will give the dish a warm golden-red hue and deep aroma, turning the rice into not just a side dish but a flavorful meal on its own.
How to enhance the flavor of stewed vegetables?
Add sweet red paprika with oil to your stewed vegetables. This spice will highlight the natural flavor of the vegetables and give them an appetizing color, making the dish brighter and more flavorful.
How to make meat rolls juicier?
Before baking or braising, coat the meat rolls with sweet red paprika with oil. This will add an attractive color and spicy flavor to the meat, keeping it juicy and making the dish particularly appetizing.